Christian Education Programs for Adults, Children, Youth, and Families
St. Barnabas' provides a community where we can all grow and support one another in our faith journey. All that we do together in worship, service, and formation leads us deeper into the mystery of our faith.
Our Christian Education program follows the school year, from mid-September to mid-June with Special Events often held during the Summer months.
Children are warmly welcomed at services throughout the year, and materials especially for children are available.
Infants and toddlers are welcome in the Nursery beginning at 9:00 a.m. most Sundays. Our background-certified and trained nursery staff is available every Sunday throughout the year.
Journey to Adulthood Revised Curriculum Rite 13, J2A, 4Ward
The curriculum has three two-year segments included in the program. This program of spiritual formation is for 6th-12th grades: Rite-13, J2A and 4WARD which replaces the YAC program.
Fully revised and updated, the program is centered on inclusive, relational ministry and uses Bible study, prayer, rites of passage, outreach ministries and both serious and playful activities. Creative, developmentally appropriate lessons are arranged within three categories of Self, Society, and Spirituality.
The Rite-13 program assists young people as they begin to take the first steps of independence from their families into their own lives and creates a safe haven in which to explore new ideas, new interests, and new abilities.(Grades 6-7 or 7-8)
The J2A program helps teens create and understand the importance of Christian community as they develop critical thinking and other skills they will need in adulthood.(Grades 8-9 or 9-10)
The 4WARD program is a mentor-based program helps older teens discern and carry out a ministry within their church or in the larger community. A final rite of passage sends them out into the world as ambassadors of Christ.(Grades 10-11 or 11-12)