Worship Ministries
Altar Guild
Members of the Altar Guild prepare the church chancel with linens, wine, water and wafers, and ready the church for the next service. Altar Guild members work in teams of three for a week at a time.
Each week, acolytes assist at worship services. Acolytes light the candles, lead the procession, and assist with the Eucharist. Torch bearers carry the candles in the processions. Anyone third grade through adult is welcome.
Chalicists and Lectors
Chalicists assist the clergy in the administration of the Eucharist. Lectors read lessons and lead the Prayers of the People during worship services.
Flower Guild and Flower Delivery
The weekly altar flower arrangements are created by volunteers who purchase the flowers and ready them for the service. After the Sunday service, volunteers make bouquets from the altar flowers and take them with a card to a member who is shut-in or not able to come to church. The visit gives an opportunity for conversation, and lets the recipient know that the St. Barnabas’ family is thinking of them.
Greeters for Sunday services welcome newcomers, visitors, and current members to the Sunday Services.