Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Hospitality & Fellowship


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Coffee Hour Hosts

After each Sunday service, volunteers host a fellowship hour.  The hosts serve beverages and snacks, and set up and clean up the refreshments.

Men’s Group

The men of the parish meet for an informal breakfast on the first Saturday of each month.  The group takes on special projects such as hosting an Oktoberfest party, and donates the proceeds to a variety of initiatives.

Ski Trip

On Presidents’ Day Weekend, parish youth, families, and friends travel to Canaan Valley Resort for skiing and fellowship. Details are posted in the fall.

Supper Club

Small groups of members gather at restaurants or in hosts’ homes for a meal and fellowship from October through May.  Interested parishioners sign up each fall.

Women of St. Barnabas’ (WOSB)

The women of the parish meet monthly, and provide support for family and friends by hosting receptions following funerals.  The WOSB sponsor several annual events, including a holiday Bazaar, Spring Tea, and Mardi Gras Party.  The Barnabees, a craft group, meets weekly throughout the year to make items to be sold at the Bazaar.  All proceeds from their events go to inreach and outreach initiatives of the parish.